Fundamentals of a Computer

Language Translator or Language Processor

Mostly computer programs are written in high level language but the Computer can only understands the machine language. Therefore, we need a language translator that can convert the codes into machine code.
"A Language Translator or Language Processor is a translator software that converts the code of any languages into machine code."

The three types of Language Translators are :-


1. Assembler :- An Assembler is a software that converts assembly language codes into machine codes.

2. Interpreter :- An Interpreter is a software that converts high level languages codes into machine codes line by line.

3. Compiler :- A Compiler is a software that converts the entire high level languages codes into machine codes.

Some points to remember :-

  • The first Assembler was invented by Nathaniel Rochester.
  • The first Interpreted high level language was LISP implemented in the year 1958by Steve Russell.